Moon Phases and their Power
THE MOON ♡ The pattern of moon phases directly relates to the pattern we see in goal setting and manifesting. The coming and passing of each phase impacts the behavior energy and overall tendencies of plants, people, and animals. Almost every one knows the phrase, “must be a full moon” when things feel out of the ordinary and there’s definitely a reason for that!
In this post, we will learn about
The New Moon
Waxing Crescent
Waxing Half aka The First Quarter Moon
Waxing Gibbous
The Full Moon
Waning Gibbous
Waning Half aka The Third Quarter Moon
Waning Crescent
Lets start at the beginning. The new moon is the first phase of a moon cycle. As a fresh start, it makes sense that this moon usually brings about a sense of excitement. The new moon is a great to take note of things you’d like to change, and start thinking about how to make that vision a reality. New moons are a great time to start routines as well, be it for work, home, self, or with others! Some great activities for a new moon ritual include, writing affirmations, creating vision boards, setting short and long term goals, taking a bath with herbs and crystals, and sharing ideas with friends!
The next phase is the waxing crescent. Its time to take those thoughts and ideas and begin making plans. This phase is all about setting intentions and taking the first steps to create a path for the manifestations to come in. It can be helpful to vocalize some of these goals and find support in friends, family and loved ones. Some activities for a waxing crescent include gardening, yoga or daily stretching, and journaling.
The first quarter moon is the first hurdle. During the waxing half moon you may feel testy and frustrated easily. Conflict, mild irritability, and feeling blocked is completely normal. This phase is when you take action, and sometimes adapting to change can be difficult. Even if they aren’t spiritual whatsoever, many people feel moody around this cycle. Its important to stay hydrated, meditate, and stay focused on yourself first and foremost. Some activities include meditation, verbally and emotionally releasing any feelings holding you down, exercising with weights or cardio, and finding time to ground yourself with hobbies you enjoy.
The waxing gibbous is next and it signifies those first big signs of growth. After a testing previous phase, realign yourself and redirect your goals. Its important to stay grounded and balanced before the full moon. Some activities include breathing exercises, spending time with loved ones, and analyzing what has or hasn’t been working so far.
The next phase is the most famous one. So much so, you may not have even known it was the mid point! The full moon! This is the halfway point and the best time harvest those intentions. Grab that journal from earlier in the cycle and lets take notes of what we can let go over the next couple of days. Full moon rituals and ceremonies can be eye opening and encourage positive and negative changes. (In this case positive refers to acquiring something or welcoming something in. Negative refers to letting go or losing what doesn’t serve you.) Some activities include journaling and dispensing of what you don’t plan to bring with you moving forward, moon bathing, skinny dipping, sex, cleaning your physical space, making candles, charging crystals, and dancing!
Winding down to the next phase, we have the waning gibbous. The full moon energy is still hanging around for this phase. We have just decided and began to let go of things, but now we need to do the work. Think about if what you’re letting go NEEDS to be, and envision how the outcome may affect you. Doing activities similar to the full moon activities work really well, but try not to overreact too much or overwhelm yourself during this phase.
The third quarter is the big release! This phase is when the action happens.
The last phase is the waning crescent. After preparing and taking action to diminish and release what no longer served you, its time to relax. Relax, de-stress, recuperate, rest. It is very common to feel exhausted or burnt out so activities for this phase should be very minimal. Try taking naps, meditating, breathing exercises, crystal grids, and practicing self care.
And that’s all of them! This may seem like a lot of information, but just think of it abridged as such. The new moon is time to clean and begin anew, the time it takes for the moon to become full is the time you should take to manifest and plant the seed. You can remember that easily, as the moon becomes white and appears to expand/ grow. The full moon is the time to release and think introspectively. The phases leading back to a new moon are all about letting go, relaxing, and allowing yourself to heal. You can remember that easily, as the white moon becomes less and less until the new moon returns.
The cycle continues! If you have any questions, feel free to use the contact form to reach out! Blessed Be -Nic